Orthopedic Physical Therapy
What is Orthopedic Physical Therapy?
Orthopedic Physical Therapy is a practice that focuses on enhancing the use of your orthopedic system, which includes essential joints, muscles, tendons, bones, and ligaments. When a part of this system is not performing well, it can be an underlying cause of pain. This pain can be detrimental to how you live your life and may cause individuals to avoid certain activities they normally love to do.
Your life could be limited by:
Who Could Benefit?​
You can benefit from Orthopedic Physical Therapy if you have just undergone an operation or previously obtained an injury. This form of therapy is focused on building up your flexibility, range of motion, and strength. Orthopedic PT is intended to help you get back to enjoying the things you once did, without being accompanied by pain.
Therapeutic Modalities
You may see great results from therapies such as ice, heat, electrical stimulation, dry needling, water, and Cupping. These forms of treatment enhance your flexibility and blood flow, increase relaxation, reduce swelling, and, most importantly, decrease your pain.
Assistive Devices
Devices such as walkers, crutches, slings, canes, and braces may be either used through a session or to utilize at home.
Evaluation and Assessment
The therapist will start your medication with an accurate evaluation that looks at your indications, how you move, and how this influences your everyday life. During your treatment session, you will be evaluated periodically for outcomes such as your range of motion, level of pain, balance, posture, and strength.
A vital part of retraining your body to work as it should is to get the joints and muscles moving. The therapist may assist by applying soft tissue massage to reduce stiffness and improve blood flow. You also may get standard hands-on therapy, where your muscles and joints are moved for you by the therapist.
The first four tools are items that the therapist will do for you to aid your movement to improve. But a necessary part of therapy is your activity. You will require a variety of recovery exercises – either at the clinic or at home – that are intended to assist you completely recover.
You will do activities that are intended to increase and improve your:
Range of Motion
Functional Mobility
Training is usually the most challenging part of your therapy, but it is where you require to put in the most work. Your PT will be able to conduct you through the method expertly.
Pain Areas?​
Come See Us!
We treat everybody but everyBODY is unique. We care about your needs & develop an individualized care plan that is fitting for YOU! You’ll feel welcomed instantly by our focus on building relationships, effectively listening to your needs, dedicated encouragement, and expert treatment.
Clinic Addresses
Our Clinic Locations
Andover Physical Therapy
1574 154th Ave, NW Andover, MN 55304
Fax: 763-433-8134